Getting really excited for all of the fun stuff we have planned for the rest of this month & for February! We've got our Basic Drawing Class with kids 7 and up, which will teach the kids the basics of drawing & sketching. We would love to continue this type of specialized class, we'd love to hear input on what types of lessons people would enjoy for children & adults. You can pick up drawing and making art at ANY age, it's such a relaxing, fun activity to get creative!
Saturday January 28th is our very first Saturday Morning Art & Storytime event. Featuring a new Usborne Books & More book, Scribble & Author, the children will hear the story and then do a coordinating art project. There are a few more spots available for that event, please reserve your spot today by clicking the link to register on the side of the blog or going to the event on our FB page. Hopefully this will be the first of many story times.
Friday February 4th is the next Pop-In Paint night! This will be a 2 hour guided painting class. Come to learn how to paint a tree in winter. Your painting will be your own original piece of art! This would be a fun class to come and paint with friends, significant others, or to work on your own painting style & technique. Lots of spots open but reserve your spot now, as space is limited in the Potting Shed!
Special event registration-
Collage Class with Rachel Newell is coming up on Sunday February 12th. There are a few spots left, though this class has been filling up faster than ANY of our other classes! So if you are planning on coming jump on the registration page & save your spot! We predict this one will fill up before
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