Adult & Teen Painting Parties

Potting Shed Art Studio
Adult & Teen Painting Parties

The potting shed can seat up to 12 artists at a time, for larger parties we move the party inside & can accommodate up to 20 painters.

Basic paint party
2½ hours for $20 per person
Includes painting on 12x12 canvas of subject matter of your choice from offered selections.
All materials & tools provided.
Larger size canvases available for slight upcharge. Beverage & light snack provided.
You are welcome to bring other light snacks or beverages of your choice.

Option 1:
Dinner or Luncheon
Painting Party
$5  additional charge per person ½ hour added to party time
(3 hour total party time)
With this option you are then welcome to bring meal for guests. Set up for food/gifts would be inside or on patio (weather permitting). Electricity available. Serving trays, utensils, napkins provided.
Option 2:
Garden Painting Party
(Weather permitting)
$5 additional charge per person
½ hour added to party time
(3 hour total party time)
This option would include a guided tour of gardens and Fairy Garden. Also includes small fresh flower arrangements from garden for each guest to take home. Garden party attire/hats always encouraged!

Option 3
Painting & Tea party
$5 additional charge per person
½ hour added to party time
(3 hour total party time)
This option includes a tea party on the Patio (weather permitting) or inside. Formal tea with China cups, teapots and cloth napkins. Assortment of teas & light snack still provided. You are also  welcome to bring additional tea party foods of your choice. Includes 2 large fresh flower arrangements from garden on tables.

*Parties can include any or all of the options above. We are always flexible &  willing to tailor parties to fit your needs or themes! We have hosted Bridal showers, Book clubs, Date nights, & Moms Night Out just to name just a few! Potting Shed Art Studio will work with you to make your occasion as special & unique as possible!

Remember that Potting Shed Art Studio is a rustic, sometimes outdoor dress accordingly & remember your bug spray & sunscreen in summer...your mittens & scarf in the fall & winter!

Please let us know if you have  any questions! Hope we can create art with you soon!


  1. Hi! I'm having trouble finding a phone number anywhere online. Can you please let me know?


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